Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I had resigned myself to the idea that I was missing our family's Mother's Day celebration. (Usually, it's a brunch/luncheon.) Anyway, the family decided to have it at 6pm on Sat. I would only be a little late since I could get out of work by 6! Woo Hoo! I made a new recipe Glazed Lemon Loaf, deliciously tart. (Recipe to follow.) Notice the great picture of Charlotte before and after she eats some, priceless! Baby Elijah is huge! Obviously a good eater, and the hair is wavy and crazy! Too cute.

The big news of the day was...Samara is getting a baby brother or sister! The new baby's due date is November 19th. That means our family will have 3 babies born this year, Elijah, Di and Gerwyn's 1st and Mark and Mer's 2nd, it's a happy time. Di already announced that she wants her own shower :). The planning begins...

1 comment:

  1. The cake looks and sounds delicious. The children are at the peak of cuteness, and Elijah is very very big. What an exciting time this is good....babies bring so much joy....
