Cat, always thinking of learning experiences for the kids, thought it would be a fantastic idea for the kids to have a tour of Queen's Park and learn about provincial government. (Being Americans, this would be an all new experience.) We entered through the East entrance. We asked a construction guy for directions for the tour. He directed us to the security desk on the lower level. Unfortunately, security was surprised that we were able to get in since everything was supposed to be locked tight for the holidays. (We had actually passed by some of the MP's private offices) We took a few pictures and made our way to Banjara, an Indian restaurant near Christie Pits. The food was good and the warmth from the room was cozy after being outside in the cold and snow.
Disappointing that Queen's Park was closed, but quite comical. Canada needs to step up it's national security. The next intruder may not be as nice as the Kim/Lee family.