Even though I was getting over a cold...(I had stayed home for a day) I wasn't going to let it keep me down too long. I met up with Cat and the kids, with Sooky and Diana and Miss Marley for lunch at Queen Margherita Pizza. The pizza was delicious as usual. It was Cat/Gracie/Hosie's first time eating the Naples style pizza. They loved it. Miss Marley, ever the energetic little miss, kept us all hopping until Diana could get her to fall asleep. At least then, Diana was able to enjoy her pizza. We then headed to Sooky's for dessert. Cupcakes from Diana's favourite Desmond and Beatrice. It's so nice to be able to have a lunch date in the middle of the week. It felt positively decadent.
Still thinking about that pizza. Will have to try to replicate it soon. Thanks for the experience!