My four year old niece Charlotte is a girly, girl. During her birthday dinner in November, my cousin Sooky had a "talk" with her about her jewelery choices. She told her it was a little much and that "next time", before she leaves the house, she should take one thing off. A little while later, Charlotte's dad emails Sooky, asking about her "advice". Apparently Charlotte, before leaving the house took off one ring and gave it to her daddy. "It's too much." she declared to him. When Sooky told me the story, I thought it was hysterical...
When I arrived at my Uncle John and Aunt Sandy's for New Year's Day, Charlotte came running to me to give me a hug. This is what I saw. Whoa! It was a lot to take in. Obviously her penchant accessorizing seems to have taken a disturbing turn...LOL. When I showed Andy (at work) the photos, he thought she looked like a miniature Jewish grandma...although I think her bright blue nailpolish gives away her age.:-)
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