Jenny finally made it.She introduced us to Sadie. Her 3 month old Yorkie. What a cutie!
Jess hamming it up for the camera.
Monkey see, monkey do. Doctor Hanna can be wacky:)
Enjoying a little post dinner cuddle before these cutie pies had to go to bed.
We were served our tea in these fancy "Bacon and Egg" mugs. They were awesome!
Michael drew this moustache on with a "non-toxic dry erase pen" using the oven door as his mirror. He was determined to be our "waiter".
In addition to the tiramisu Meredith requested, I made these meringues, vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce for the kids (kid friendly, non boozy alternative). However everyone had some. We all enjoyed 2 dessert courses. Mad suggested that next time we should just have a dessert dinner. Forget about "real" food altogether.

Finally Hanna, Jenny and Justin were able to make it for dinner (Although Justin arrived later, after work)....the night before the Kim clan leaves for Maryland to visit Cat, Gracie and Hoseok. Mark and Mer made delicious grilled chicken and steaks. Mad provided grilled vegetables. Jenny brought a yummy broccoli salad. I made tiramisu and meringue cookies. Phillip brought ice cream. Since everyone was leaving before the crack of dawn the next day, we met early. The weather was perfect for an outdoor patio. Another lovely evening.
I'm sorry I missed your spectacular desserts! You have been busy Ms. Carol, but its good practise for Maryland, I'm sure you'll be even busier when you get there!!