Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Now that's a good looking bird!

Aunt Sooky!!! That's not a turkey leg!

Diana and Marley doing their thing.

Marley is getting plump. Obviously a good eater :)

Charlotte and Uncle G

Hanna, entertaining the crowd

After all the fun, Aunt Sooky thinks it's time for Elijah's nap.
He's just Chillaxin'

Even though I was suffering from a horrible head cold, (my left ear is so plugged, I can't hear out of that side...lovely). That didn't stop me from making the requested Pecan pie and Vanilla bundt cake for Eunho and Nancy's Turkey extravaganza. They roasted a huge 24 pound turkey and with all the fixings. Those who were able to make it ate very well and had some time to play with Charlotte, Elijah and baby Marley. I was dying to kiss and cuddle with the babies, but I refrained not wanting to get anyone sick. Elijah's cheeks were just killing me. I'll have to make up for the missed kisses when I see him next time. :)


  1. Happy Thanksgiving. Elijah looks like he's grown a full length since he was born. Like a little toddler! Everyone looks great and so does that turkey. It is massive!

  2. Those are great photos Carol, clearly the new camera was a worthwhile purchase!! Thanks for making the effort even though you were so sick, I had no idea!

  3. Enjoyed your treats as usual. Plse send me these pics...the new camera is terrific!
