In Korea, it's tradition to celebrate a baby's 100th day. Apparently the infant mortality rate, at one time, had been extremely high. So, once a baby had reached that milestone, the family would celebrate the baby's health and future. Our side of the family, and Nancy's side all convened at Uncle John and Aunt Sandy's house in Brampton. There were lots of babies, kids, and eating. I made my Mini Carrot Cakes and WS Brownies in the shape of daisies. Elijah, as you see, is huge! His hair kills me. He was such a good baby, letting anyone pick him up and hold him. I didn't hear him cry all day. Such a calm temperment. Whenever I looked at Elijah, his outfit reminded me of West Side Story...he's a Jet!
It was lovely to spend some time with my cousins and catch up with their lives. Being so busy with work and travel hasn't allowed me enough time to spend with them. It was a nice afternoon.
The first photo is the catered food they ordered.
The second is the yummy sashimi my Uncle provided. Jealous?
Samara enjoying her lunch. She was so chatty! Her vocabulary is unbelievable.
What a smarty pants.
With her cute pink dress, she looked like a 20's flapper.
If you look closely, you can make out Gerwyn attempting chopsticks to eat the delicious sashimi.
Great pics Carol. Everyone looks great - kids are so cute and yes, Eli does look gelationus. Iwish I could squeeze those cheeks! Food looks awesome.