I've had such a busy last few days. From picking Cat up from Buffalo, trying to split my time between work, Cat and Hosie, friends and UFC on Sat. I've been working everyday at 6am, getting up 4:30 am, then meeting up with Cat after work to either hang out, take Hosie to a movie, go out to dinner with Meredith, Diana, and Cat at Table 17 for Cat's birthday...Going to the Raptors/Clippers game at the ACC with Cat, Hosie and Cat's Dad. I can barely drag my feet to my bed. I'm finally able to sleep in thursday before I head to the mall to get some photos developed, bake mini pavlovas for Diana's brunch on Friday, grocery shopping, go shopping with Cat(Roots), possible dinner or movie with Sooky and Cat, brunch on friday with the cousins, create Easter loot bags, bake cupcakes, work on Saturday, Easter luncheon at Uncle John and Aunt Sandy's, make more cupcakes for Easter celebration at Pippette's on Sunday. Then...back to work for 6am on Monday.
Oh the life I lead. Wish me luck.
Just wanted you to know that we appreciate every waking moment of your time spent on making our moments special Carol. You always put everyone else first! Get some rest (after you finish our cupcakes of course...) ;)