I'm here in Vegas!
I arrived yesterday at 11:20PT. In the past, I've taken the late flight that arrives at 11pm. This time I thought I would take the early flight and have a whole day. The weather in Toronto was miserable...cold, rainy, foggy. The flight was delayed at take off by about 15min but we still arrived early. The weather was perfect the whole way. Since I'm a single woman ( I just assume most single women do this.) while I'm waiting at the Gate, I check out all the passengers. Usually zeroing in on any attractive men travelling alone. Is it too much to ask that one of these men could be sitting beside me on my flight? I think not.
Anyway, when I got on board I see an older man...old late 60's, he looks like an aging hippy/classic rock enthusiast sitting in 5c. (I'm in 5a) The seat between us is empty. Mildly disappointed I put my ipod on an proceed to go to sleep. After a couple of hours, I wake up. We are somewhere over the Dakotas. "Jerry" starts chatting to me. Just conversation. As the conversation keeps going, he mentions performing at Woodstock with Janis Joplin and performing in Toronto on a "Train" tour before Janis died. How the Toronto fans were just terrible because they didn't want to pay the $18 for the show and were hopping the fences to try and watch for free. He even shows me a picture of Janis he has in his wallet. Wow. Drumming with Billy Idol in Toronto at the ACC. Playing with Brian Wilson. He's singing a lot of the vocals because Brian's voice is just shot from booze and cigarettes. He tells me he's been living in Vegas for 10 years now. He's performing with a singer named Michelle at the Tropicana. He was quite a character. He talked to me about music and different shows I should check out while I'm here. Which acts are worth seeing and who is just so terrible it's funny.
It was quite entertaining. I felt like I was getting an inside perspective.
The view from my window was spectacular. I normally don't get to see the mountains in Colorado or the desert leading up to Vegas because I'm travelling at night. This time the weather was calm and gorgeously sunny. I took a few shots that I'll post later.
Jhanine picked me up and we had lunch. I was starving (I hadn't eaten in 7 hours). Then we relaxed at home, talked, napped. We met her friends Sherri and Dave and their daughter Shoshanna who live next door for a pool date. Apparently tonight we are having dinner at a country club with Tim (Jhanine's lawyer friend). Dinner out is already more than I had expected from this trip. (Normally we don't go out for dinner) It should be lovely.