Welcome to Sooky's new abode.
All the cool kids were there.
Elijah is 8 months old. Marley is 2 months old. I just can't over the size difference.
The mom's gathered to discuss world events...and Sooky's sense of colour and design...
Diana and Marley just hanging out.
Cutie pie Charlotte singing for her supper.
She performed Christmas carols and kid's songs on request.
It was like being at a concert.
Elijah crawling, more like slithering... instead of being scary, I just feel the intense urge to kiss and nibble those cheeks!!! Num, num...

Elijah is fascinated with Uncle/Grandpa John's face.
What was supposed to be a leisurely weekend, turned into a crazed cooking and family gathering at Sooky's new house.
Eunho, Sooky's bro, had not yet seen her new place, so she invited him and his family over for brunch. Diana, Sooky's sis was supposed to be busy with some in laws for American Thanksgiving, but they cancelled at the last minute. Then, since her siblings were coming, she invited her mom. I was off so I got added on. We delivered some bar chairs to Mark and Meredith...since they were just waiting for Little Bean (their new baby to arrive, now a week overdue) they had nothing to do. Uncle John/Aunt Sandy, Jenny and Justin, Mark's mom and Dad, Phil and Phil's mom, my parents... One by one, the guest list grew to the point that it just made sense to ask everyone. As my dad pointed out, "it's too cold to golf, so I'm not busy" :-)
So, after having lunch at Il Fornello, we went shopping at Loblaws to buy everything we needed. We spent all afternoon/evening cooking.
Everyone turned up by 1pm with their traditional laundry detergent. Everything turned out okay...some compromising and some forgetting of things along the way, but people had enough to eat. We sat around like beached whales for most of the afternoon....until Uncle John suggested we all go out to dinner to eat something good before we went home. Sushi on Bloor was pretty good. I can't believe how much we all ate...
So much for a relaxing, movie weekend before the craziness of the Christmas retail season.
I guess I can sleep and relax when it's over.